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Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 📸 Sarah Phillips @food. I bet they were Ugly Heirloom Peppers that Peter picked when this rhyme was published in 1813 in Peter Piper's Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation by John Harris (1756–1846) in London. Some authors have identified the subject of the rhyme as Pierre Poivre (pepper), an eighteenth‑century French horticulturalist and government administrator of Mauritius, who once investigated the Seychelles' potential for spice cultivation. The rhyme was thought to have been known in popular culture a century or more before its 1813 pub date. Do you suppose the 8 quarts (a peck) of peppers Peter Piper picked were ugly heirloom peppers? Some of the best pickling ones are jalapeño, serrano and banana peppers. It makes sense that the original reference to the peppers and the rhyme came from Pierre (Peter) from the Island of Mauritius, which I found is off the Southeast coast of Africa. I also found out that the name "piper" refers to a type of spice derived from dried fruit known as African pepper. Peter's last name Poivre in French means pepper in English. Pierre means Peter in English. Bingo! Peter Piper! I always wondered who Peter Piper was! #UglyProduceIsBeautiful #uglyproduce #peppers #colorsoffood #heresmyfood #eatasnatureintended #buylocal #foodforthought #foodsystem #stopfoodwaste #sarahphillipsfoodart #heirloomproduce #foodstyling #foodphotography #jalapenopeppers #pickledpeppers

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Japanese eggplant with some red okra colors! The natural colors and patterns from nature are amazing if you take the time to stop and look at them - even ugly produce is beautiful! Do you agree? It's a hideous shame that we throw away and waste so much beauty. 📸 Sarah Phillips @food. These are considered ugly because they are not uniform in size. But you can still make my Baba Ghanoush Dip recipe with this imperfect #japaneseeggplant. It's posted on the website! Click on link in profile - go to recipes! #uglyproduce #colorsoffood #unsqgreenmarket #farmersmarket #sarahphillipsfoodart #eatasnatureintended #organic #buyuglyproduce #producepatterns #naturallight #dscolor #dsfloral #foodart #redokra #lisianthus #purple #green #mixitup #seeds #dontgetridoftheseeds #naturallight #foodphotography #lookinside #stopfoodwaste #zerofoodwaste #japaneseeggplant #eggplant

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Up to your eyeballs in Heirloom tomatoes? #wastenotwantnot 📸 Sarah Phillips @food. Make All-Purpose Roasted Vegetable Sauce. Recipe on site -link in profile -go to recipes. Place 7 pounds tomatoes (try to separate similar sizes per baking sheet) cut side up on a rimmed baking sheet. Add garlic cloves. (I had a few left over kale leaves - without their ribs - and roasted those too) Drizzle all with olive oil. Bake at 375 degrees F for 30 minutes to an hour or until softened, depending on size. Let cool. Turn over and remove as many skins as you can, but don't sweat it - heirloom tomatoes have thin skins and puree nicely - and remove easy to remove seeds and any hard cores. Don't pour any excess juice that is created into the sauce. A few seeds left won't hurt). The small tomatoes, I didn't skin and seed. Puree with the roasted garlic cloves (plus kale and sweet potato, in my case) and fresh basil. Add salt and pepper. Add in 1/4 cup tomato paste. (I didn't have any tomato paste on hand, so I roasted a sweet potato and used that as a thickener in my sauce - without the skin - PS it worked perfectly!!!). Cook under medium low to low heat to boil and thicken as sauce is reduced, stirring often. If you strain it, it makes a nice soup. If you blend it in a blender without straining first at this point, it makes a nice smooth sauce. Cool and refrigerate for a few days or freeze for a month or more. So delicious! I'm making my sauce today with all of my pictured tomatoes! #UglyProduceIsBeautiful #uglyproduceisbeautifulrecipes #stopfoodwaste #eatasnatureintended #heirloomtomatoes #vegetablesauce #uglyproduce #dscolor #tomatoes #basil #sarahphillipsfoodart #roastedtomatoes #heresmyfood #colorsoffood #gatheringslikethese #foodphotography #foodstyling #tomatosauce

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Look inside red cabbage! 📸 Sarah Phillips @food While green cabbage is the most commonly eaten variety, red cabbage offers more nutritional benefits as well as a hearty, robust flavor. Red cabbage contains a type of group of phytochemicals or compounds found in plant foods with disease-fighting properties known, collectively, as polyphenols. Polyphenols may offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. Red cabbage is low in calories, a good source of dietary fiber and a rich source of several vitamins. Source: livestrong.com #uglyproduceisbeautiful #uglyproduce #redcabbage #purplecabbage #cabbage #lookinside #dscolor #dsfloral #rosepetals #eatasnatureintended #red #joinus #sarahphillipsfoodart #gatheringslikethese #heresmyfood #colorsoffood #healthyfood #eattherainbow #redcabbageleaves #wastenotwantnot

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Tomato colors of summer 2016! 📸 Sarah Phillips @food. Even though many people who come to farmers markets are enlightened about the virtues of ugly produce and are drawn to the Rubenesque lopsidedness of heritage tomato breeds, they still dig around for the one that has the most perfect imperfections. Tomatoes left behind tend to be those that have cracks — which is common this year due to the rainy spring weather, the farmers say — or have the scabby spots known as catfacing. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/lifestyle/food/your-farmers-market-tomato-squeezing-is-ruining-them-for-everyone/2016/08/11/2574266e-52ab-11e6-b7de-dfe509430c39_story.html?client=safari #uglyproduceisbeautiful #uglyproduce #heirloomtomatoes #tomatoes #eatasnatureintended #sarahphillipsfoodart #heresmyfood #eattherainbow #stopfoodwaste #farmersmarket #rainbow #colorsoffood #uglytomatoes #foodgradients

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